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J.B. Dental Blog

Is Seeing the Dentist Expensive? Not When You Get Regular Checkups!

January 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — joannebancroft @ 10:40 pm
Tooth in one hand, coins in the other

Are you trying to find ways to make dental care more affordable? It may seem counterintuitive, but the best way to lower costs is by seeing a dentist more often, not less! 6-month checkups and cleanings are designed to prevent problems or catch them in their earliest stages. This saves you a lot of time, money and hassle down the road by keeping your teeth healthy rather than letting problems get worse with time. Keep reading below to find out how these visits keep your mouth (and wallet) happy and healthy. 


Dentist Explains Why You May Need a Root Canal and How They Work

January 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — joannebancroft @ 10:36 pm
Illustration of a root canal

Although no one wants to hear that they need a root canal, this procedure is nothing to fear and benefits your oral health in several ways. In addition to relieving severe pain from a toothache, it also prevents the need to pull a damaged tooth. And, with modern pain management (including both local anesthesia and sedation dentistry), root canals are surprisingly easy. But you may still want to know why you need a root canal in the first place and what you can expect from the procedure. Below, you’ll get the answers to those questions and more!


Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Teeth Whitening?

December 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — joannebancroft @ 9:40 pm
Up-close smile and dental mirror

You may think that teeth whitening is something new, but people have always experimented with ways to brighten their smiles. In fact, the ancient Romans used a particularly unappealing method: swishing with urine. Fortunately for us, teeth whitening today is a lot more sanitary, not to mention more effective! But one common question is, “Is it safe to whiten my teeth?” The short answer to that question is yes; as long as you choose the right type of whitening. Read on to learn about potential health risks and what your safest and most effective options are. 


Emergency Dentist Discusses Toothaches, Extractions, and Saving Your Teeth

December 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — joannebancroft @ 8:56 pm
Digital image of a cracked tooth

If you’ve ever had a painful toothache, you know it’s a terrible experience. In some cases, the pain is so bad that you can’t eat, sleep, or go to work, and all you can think about is feeling better fast! In this situation, the first thing an emergency dentist will do is relieve your pain, followed by recommending the best treatment for your needs. And while they’ll always recommend saving your tooth when possible, sometimes an extraction is the best option for your long-term oral health. Keep reading below to find out what causes toothaches, why it’s so important to save (or replace) your teeth, and what your treatment options are. 


Didn’t Wear Your Retainers As a Teen? Now, Invisalign May Be Perfect!

November 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — joannebancroft @ 8:52 pm
Woman with a beautiful smile

If you’re an adult who had braces as a teen and neglected to wear your retainers, you may regret it. But the good news is that there’s a way to correct your “adult relapse” without wearing metal braces again! In fact, Invisalign is often the perfect choice for adults in this situation for multiple reasons, especially since people of all ages can benefit from a properly aligned bite and straight teeth. Continue reading below to learn why a dentist often recommends Invisalign clear aligners for adults who didn’t wear their retainers as teens. 

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