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8 Tips For A Whiter, Healthier Smile

March 14, 2018

Filed under: Dental News — joannebancroft @ 9:30 am

Avoid Foods That Stain

Avoid dark coloured foods and drinks, like red wine, black tea, coffee, and cola Similar to smoking, these drinks can build up a superficial stain that your dentist or hygienist can polish off. But they can also cause internal staining of your tooth enamel. Drinking through a straw is one way to reduce the stain on your teeth, and it may help reduce the risk of tooth decay. If you can’t avoid these types of food, ensure that you brush your teeth 30 minutes or so after consuming dark-coloured food and drinks.

Don’t Forget To Floss!

Keep floss easily accessible, including in your car and on your nightstand. This will help remind you to floss. Flossing removes plaque between teeth and out from under the gum line, where a toothbrush can’t reach. Daily flossing also helps prevent tooth decay and bad breath. To floss properly, wrap the floss tightly around your finger and insert in the space between your teeth. Gently slide it up and down under the gum line two to three times. If you absolutely can not stand flossing, try an water flosser! This device sprays a tight stream of water or mouthwash in between your teeth to remove plaque and food between your teeth and below your gum line.

Drink Lots Of Water

Frequent consumption of acidic or sugary drinks can increase decay rates dramatically. For instance, athletes are becoming a particularly at-risk group, as the effects of sports drinks take a severe toll on their teeth. Water helps flush teeth clean and discourages tooth decay, and tap water is the best choice as it has the recommended dosage of fluoride, which also helps promote your dental health. In fact, drinking more water helps your entire body stay healthier. Mild dehydration (fluid loss of 1-3%) can impair energy levels and mood, and lead to major reductions in memory and brain performance. Drinking water gives you more energy, and can even help with weight loss and the prevention of kidney stones.


Brush Properly Twice A Day

Because plaque can harden into tartar, frequent brushing helps teeth to stay whiter and healthier than in people who brush less often. It’s also important to note that improper brushing can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Use gentle, circular motions at a 45 degree angle instead of simply brushing back and forth. This will keep your gums healthy and remove the most plaque. Ensure that you don’t apply too much pressure when your brushing, as this can wear down your enamel.

Quit Smoking

The stain from smoke is sometimes a superficial stain that can sometimes be polished off, but like coffee and dark-colored foods it can also soak deep into the enamel. Additionally, smoking damages otherwise healthy gums, causing them to recede and develop large pockets around the teeth, and makes it very difficult to reverse gum disease.

Scrape Your Tongue

A lot of plaque can live on your tongue, which can lead to bad breath. Using a tongue scraper (your toothbrush isn’t as effective) every evening is a great lesser-known way to maintain superior dental health.

Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly

It is a good idea to replace your toothbrush or electric toothbrush heads every two to three months. This helps prevent the transfer of bacteria and keeps the bristles on your brush firm. Consider getting a new toothbrush sooner if you have been sick, especially if the toothbrush is stored close to other toothbrushes. When in doubt, look at the bristles. If they are frayed, they won’t clean teeth as thoroughly. Because children often brush more rigorously than adults, they may need their toothbrushes replaced more often.

See Your Dentist Twice A Year

Having routine cleanings every six months helps to promote good oral health and a beautiful smile. In addition to removing hard tartar from your teeth, the dentists at J.B. Dental will also screen for health conditions like high blood pressure and oral cancer. When your cleanings are irregular, you can develop periodontal disease, which is also linked to health conditions like heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and sleep apnea. If it has been a while since your last professional checkup and cleaning, contact J.B. Dental in Westminster, Colorado to schedule your appointment.

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